Dreams and Disasters

19th July, 2014 01:46:41 | Posted by umulbaneen
Viewed 9095 times
I wish to nail my CIE exams without hurting my pretty-little-joys

Like every other student, young-girl, or a lady, I also dream about living a life of my dreams. Excelling in the academics, becoming a better me and finding the Mr. Right are just the few of the long list of hard-to-be-full filled wishes of me. I don’t know why I am so inclined towards materialism. Is it just me? Or do we all face this dilemma?

One should not give up on dreams. Ambitions give me a reason to live……a reason to breath. Today, I intentionally missed a Math’s-Mid-Year exam. I had to develop a lot of courage to let go this minor-exam and understand that life is not all about top-notch grades and high-class degrees. It’s about compassion, feelings, nature and fun!  Life is short, we should learn to live it, whereas most of us just exist. Instead of appearing for my so-called exam I hit an ‘International-Book-fair’- which happens once in years and got the autograph of my favorite Author! For a person like me, it’s hard to get over the ‘guilt-feeling’ of flunking an exam (no matter how minor it is) So, I have decided , I won’t let go the small-joys of my life nor will I enjoy them on the expense of my future-prospects and goals. I’ll learn to keep a balance; securing my future and enjoying my youth.

Growing up isn’t all it’s cracked up to be! So it’s not age, nor how many books you’ve read, or what ivy-league you joined that matters. Simple common sense and a child-like-innocent-approach can solve even some of the most difficult problems. So I say enjoy your youth for as long as you can. Sing like a rock star in Ammi’s bathroom, dance all alone on those awesome Marron5 hits, rap like Eminem and yes look like a diva! *No, I can’t rap at all!*

Bottom Line; I wish to nail my CIE exams without hurting my pretty-little-joys

* Work-hard and take a chill-pill*  

About Author


19th July, 2014 01:46:41 | Posted by umulbaneen
Viewed 9095 times


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